Join us October 12-14 for a series of evangelical services where we’ll study the theme: Seeing Jesus. Dinner is provided on Thursday & Friday, and lunch is provided on Saturday. Each service will include a choir presentation, a message from our pastor, and a prayer.
We also welcome everyone to join our Spiritual Convocation services that take place Friday through Sunday, October 13-15. A detailed schedule of all services is available here.
All services will be broadcast online:
Topics for services that will be led by Pr. Cheng-Huang Weng:
Theme: Seeing Jesus
Evangelical Services 佈道會3場
10/12 Thursday 週四: A Man Made from Dust 塵土所造的人
10/13 Friday 週五: The Resurrection of Nain 拿因死人復活
10/14 Saturday 週六/上: The Mercy at Bethesda 畢士大的憐憫
Spiritual Convocation 靈恩會
10/13 Friday Morning 週五上
The Grace upon a Sycamore Tree 桑樹上的恩典
10/13 Friday Afternoon 週五下
Pastor Raymond Chou 請周傳道
Peter Sees Jesus 彼得看見耶穌
10/14 Saturday Afternoon 週六下
Pastor Raymond Chou 請周傳道
Testimony: The Stubborn Rock Nods 見證~頑石點頭~
10/15 Sunday Morning 週日/上
Encountering Jesus at Gerasa 格拉森遇見耶穌
10/15 Sunday Afternoon 週日/下
Sacraments of Footwashing, Holy Communion 洗腳禮.聖餐禮
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”