“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.”
The True Jesus Church offers a structured Religious Education program for children in grades K through 12 to teach them the word of God and the application to Christian living. The goals of the program are:
- Impart spiritual knowledge to the students, and build up the pure faith within them. (2 Tim 3:15; Col 3:16)
- Guide students toward Christ-like behavior, and teach them to live a Christian way of life. (Prov 22:6; Mt 5:14-16)
- Guide students to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit and to serve in the kingdom of God. (Gal 5:22-23; Acts 1:8)
- Train students to preach the good news and become effective witnesses with the power of the Holy Spirit and the word of God. (2 Tim 4:2; Mk 16:15-18; Mt 24:14)
Five classes for specific age groups are offered.
Ages: 4-5
The Kindergarten class teaches children about key Biblical characters and events with storytelling, songs, and crafts.
Elementary 1
Ages: 6-8
The Elementary 1 class teaches children about central Biblical characters and events in more detail with songs, crafts, and Bible reading.
Elementary 2
Ages: 9-11
The Elementary 2 class teaches children about other supporting Biblical characters and events that contribute to a well rounded knowledge of the Bible.
Junior 1
Ages: 12-14
The Junior 1 class deepens students' understanding of the Christian faith with classes organized by topics such as repentance, servitude, comfort, righteousness. Each topic refers to a specific Biblical account, where students read the scripture, interpret it, and discuss how to apply it to their lives.
Junior 2
Ages: 15-17
The Junior 2 class focuses on applying the foundation of a Christian faith to students' lives as young adults. Classes are organized by topics covering real world situations and circumstances that high school students face day to day. Through critical thinking and discussion, students learn how to make decisions and act in a manner that glorifies God.